InfoSec / Cybersecurity Jobs at CloudBees

CloudBees is currently hiring for 3 InfoSec / Cybersecurity roles

Reduce risk, optimize software delivery and accelerate innovation with CloudBees - the industry-leading DevOps technology platform. Build stuff that matters.

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Employment types
Full Time (3)
Hiring regions
Europe (2) Remote/Anywhere (2) Asia/Pacific (1)
Common tags
Compliance (3) Cloud (3) CI/CD (3) Jenkins (3) Application security (3) DevSecOps (3) Vulnerabilities (3) SDLC (3) Security analysis (2) CCSP (2)
Competitive pay (3) Career development (2)
Experience levels
Senior-level / Expert (2) Mid-level / Intermediate (1)
Above overview represents hiring data aggregated over the past 6 months
* Salary range is an estimate based on our InfoSec / Cybersecurity Salary Index 💰

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